So, in the world of capital expenditures, we seem to have shelled out a lotta dough in the last year. We have a condo we were unable to sell and therefore decided to rent - we have not replaced every appliance in that place. A few months ago, we had to replace the furnace and air conditioner, and on Tuesday of this week, the dryer croaked.
I could go off at this point about my financial worries, how upset I am that we have to put out the money, etc. but I expect anyone in the same position would say about the same.
Instead, I will talk about my Kelly Ripa-inspired Electrolux Washer Dryer Lust.
You may or may not have seen the Kelly Ripa commerical where she has the lovely, ginormous laundry room with the beautiful teal, front-loading shiny steam washer/dryers. It makes her life easier! She can get so many things done so quickly it is all a blur, with time left over to bake cookies for the children.
I'm sick. I admit it. The commercial has gotten to me. Somehow I am sure that if I had that exact washer and dryer, my kitchen would be clean, my house would be immaculate, and I could make chocolate chip cookies that provided not only healthy, calorie-free nourishment for my family but also the time to sit down and enjoy said cookies with them. Additionally, I would be adorable and tiny like Kelly Ripa.
When we arrived at the dent and ding appliance outlet store, the price for this item of laundry lovliness was a mere $1368, after a $500 discount. This price was for not both machines, but the washer alone.
With a heavy heart, I chose a decent front loading Maytag set at a more reasonable price. Kelly Ripa I am not. The perfect life, I have not. That least my washer and dryer match, and while not shiny perfect teal - they are at least, blue. :)
9 years ago
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